I think this may the the first time in my life when I've had ample time to 'stop and stare' for any more than a week or so. I can't quite decide whether this is having a good or bad effect on my brain, so accustomed to taking a back seat in favour of earning a living or learning about actions.
Now it is free to wander about as it chooses, making light of this and wildly overanalysing that, sending the rest of me in the kind of whirl I haven't experienced since school. Not for a long time has the right music track at the opportune moment tipped the balance of my entire day. My moods are, frankly, twitchy. Never mind, we are moving into the third month of an increasingly austere government who seem to believe that the proper place for young people is at home, on the sofa, a burden to no-one but their unhappy parents. No middle-aged sex for at least the next three years.
Still, unemployment is spurring me on to new activites, for which I must be begrudgingly grateful. I would not be writing this blog if I didn't have the time, and when I have less time guilt alone will make me keep it up. This is good as I haven't written anything more exciting than a shopping list since I went to BSA (don't get me wrong there, as a 'foodie' shopping lists can be very exciting indeed).
I have also written my first music review, a link to which I've posted below. I'm quite pleased with it, though a lot of the references came from a conversation with someone else and for my next one I have resolved to go it totally alone so as to prevent worrying about authorship.
The last week or so has been less interesting than those previous but I am resolved to find lots of things to do, the cheaper the better, so I can still keep up this blog without going all 'dear diary' on you (whoever 'you' may be). I waitressed at a wedding at SS Great Britain which was a bonus as I got to see the ship for free! It is huge ans quite imposing and reminded me of seeing Columbus' ship in Ohio. Back then I was about ten and, frankly if it wasn't a pony, a dog r a dinosaur it wasn't going to hold my
Attention long. This time I let my not-so-inner nerd out to look at engines and stuff whilst filling champagne flutes. This week it's Leigh Woods about which I know absolutely nothing so I look forward to checking it out, again for free.
Bristol Brouhaha is coming up and the Tobacco Factory will soon be filled with comedians, which I cannot wait to see! Hopefully will soon have more things to review, and will post all music reviews here as well.
Speak soon
Review of Secret Rivals
Now it is free to wander about as it chooses, making light of this and wildly overanalysing that, sending the rest of me in the kind of whirl I haven't experienced since school. Not for a long time has the right music track at the opportune moment tipped the balance of my entire day. My moods are, frankly, twitchy. Never mind, we are moving into the third month of an increasingly austere government who seem to believe that the proper place for young people is at home, on the sofa, a burden to no-one but their unhappy parents. No middle-aged sex for at least the next three years.
Still, unemployment is spurring me on to new activites, for which I must be begrudgingly grateful. I would not be writing this blog if I didn't have the time, and when I have less time guilt alone will make me keep it up. This is good as I haven't written anything more exciting than a shopping list since I went to BSA (don't get me wrong there, as a 'foodie' shopping lists can be very exciting indeed).
I have also written my first music review, a link to which I've posted below. I'm quite pleased with it, though a lot of the references came from a conversation with someone else and for my next one I have resolved to go it totally alone so as to prevent worrying about authorship.
The last week or so has been less interesting than those previous but I am resolved to find lots of things to do, the cheaper the better, so I can still keep up this blog without going all 'dear diary' on you (whoever 'you' may be). I waitressed at a wedding at SS Great Britain which was a bonus as I got to see the ship for free! It is huge ans quite imposing and reminded me of seeing Columbus' ship in Ohio. Back then I was about ten and, frankly if it wasn't a pony, a dog r a dinosaur it wasn't going to hold my
Attention long. This time I let my not-so-inner nerd out to look at engines and stuff whilst filling champagne flutes. This week it's Leigh Woods about which I know absolutely nothing so I look forward to checking it out, again for free.
Bristol Brouhaha is coming up and the Tobacco Factory will soon be filled with comedians, which I cannot wait to see! Hopefully will soon have more things to review, and will post all music reviews here as well.
Speak soon
Review of Secret Rivals